Interfaces in PDESolver

PDESolver depends on the the three main objects, the AbstractSolutionData object, AbstractMesh object, and the SBP object implementing certain interfaces. This document describes what the interfaces are, and gives some hints for how to implement them.

Before doing so, a short description of what general Julia interfaces look like is in order.
The paradigm of Julia code is that of "objects with associated functions", where a new Type is defined, and then functions that take the Type as an argument are defined. The functions define the interface to the Type. The Type holds data (ie. state), and the functions perform operations on that state (ie. behavior). Perhaps counter-intuitively, it is generally not recommended for users of a type to access the fields directly. Instead, any needed operations on the data that the Type holds should be provided through functions. The benefit of this convention is that it imposes no requirements on how the Type stores its data or implements its behavior. This is important because a user of the Type should not be concerned with these things. The user needs to know what behavior the Type has, but not how it is implemented. This distinction becomes even more important when there are multiple implementations certain functionality. The user should be able to seamlessly transition between different implementations. This requires all implementations have the same interface.

The question of how to enforce interfaces, and how strongly to do so, is still an open question in Julia. Some relevant Github issues: 5 4935 * 6975

One of the strongest arguments against the "functions as interfaces" idea is that for many applications, just storing data in an array is best. Creating interface functions for the Type to implement the array interface would be a lot of extra code with no benefit. For this reason, it makes sense to directly access the fields of some Types, to avoid trivial get/set methods. We do this extensively in PDESolver, because arrays are the natural choice for storing the kind of data used in PDESolver.


ODLCommonTools defines:

abstract AbstractSolutionData{Tsol, Tres}.

The purpose of an AbstractSolutionData is to hold all the data related to the solution of an equation. This includes the solution at every node and any auxiliary quantities. The storage for any quantity that is calculated over the entire mesh should be allocated as part of this object, in order to avoid repeatedly reallocated the array for every residual evaluation. In general, there should never be a need to allocate a vector longer than the number of degrees of freedom at a node (or a matrix similarly sized matrix) during a residual evaluation. Structuring code such that it conforms with this requirement has significant performance benefits because it reduces memory allocation/deallocation.

The static parameter Tsol is the datatype of the solution variables and Tres is the datatype of the residual (when computing the Jacobian with finite differences or algorithmic differentiation, these will be the same).

Required Fields

The required fields of an AbstractSolutionData are:

  q::AbstractArray{Tsol, 3}
  q_vec::AbstractArray{Tsol, 1}
  q_face_send::AbstractArray{AbstractArray{Tsol, 3}, 1}
  q_face_recv::AbstractArray{AbstractArray{Tsol, 3}, 1}
  res::AbstractArray{Tres, 3}
  res_vec::AbstractArray{Tres, 1}
  M::AbstractArray{Float64, 1}
  Minv::AbstractArray{Float64, 1}

The purpose of these fields are:

q: to hold the solution variables in an element-based array. This array should be numDofPerNode x numNodesPerElement x numEl. The residual evaluation only uses q, never q_vec

q_vec: to hold the solution variables as a vector, used for any linear algebra operations and time stepping. This array should have a length equal to the total number of degrees of freedom in the mesh. Even though this vector is not used by the residual evaluation, it is needed for many other operations, so it is allocated here so the memory can be reused. There are functions to facilitate the scattering of values from q_vec to q. Note that for Continuous Galerkin type discretization (as opposed to Discontinuous Galerkin discretizations), there is not a corresponding "gather" operation (ie. q -> q_vec).

q_face_send: send buffers for sending q variables to other processes. There are npeer arrays, and the dimensions of the arrays depend on the parallel mode. If parallelizing rk4, the arrays are numDofPerNode x numNodesPerFace x numSharedFaces. If parallelizing Newtons method, the arrays are numDofPerNode x numNodesPerElement xnumSharedElements`.

q_face_recv: receive buffers for receiving q values from other processes. Same shape as q_face_send.

res: similar to q, except that the residual evaluation function populates it with the residual values.
As with q, the residual evaluation function only interacts with this array, never with res_vec.

res_vec: similar to q_vec. Unlike q_vec there are functions to perform an additive reduction (basically a "gather") of res to res_vec. For continuous Galerkin discretizations, the corresponding "scatter" (ie. res_vec -> res`) may not exist.

M: The mass matrix of the entire mesh. Because SBP operators have diagonal mass matrices, this is a vector. Length numDofPerNode x numNodes (where numNodes is the number of nodes in the entire mesh).

Minv: The inverse of the mass matrix.

disassembleSolution: Function that takes the a vector such as q_vec and scatters it to an array such as q. This function must have the signature: disassembleSolution(mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp, eqn::AbstractSolutionData, opts, q_arr:AbstractArray{T, 3}, q_vec::AbstractArray{T, 1}) Because this variable is a field of a type, it will be dynamically dispatched. Although this is slower than compile-time dispatch, the cost is insignificant compared to the cost of evaluating the residual, so the added flexibility of having this function as a field is worth the cost.

assembleSolution: Function that takes an array such as res and performs an additive reduction to a vector such as res_vec. This function must have the signature: assembleSolution(mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp, eqn::AbstractSolutionData, opts, res_arr::AbstractArray{T, 3}, res_vec::AbstractArray{T, 1}, zero_resvec=true) The argument zero_resvec determines whether res_vec is zeroed before the reduction is performed. Because it is an additive reduction, elements of the vector are only added to, never overwritten, so forgetting to zero out the vector could cause strange results. Thus the default is true.

multiplyA0inv: Multiplies the solution values at each node in an array such as res by the inverse of the coefficient matrix of the time term of the equation. This function is used by time marching methods. For some equations, this matrix is the identity matrix, so it can be a no-op, while for others might not be. The function must have the signature:

              `multiplyA0inv(mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp, eqn::AbstractSolutionData, opts, res_arr::AbstractArray{Tsol, 3})`

majorIterationCallback: function called before every step of Newton's method or stage of an explicit time marching scheme. This function is used to do output and logging. The function must have the signature:

function majorIterationCallback(itr, mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp::AbstractSBP, eqn::AbstractEulerData, opts)

params: user defined type that inherits from AbstractParamType. The purpose of this type is to store any variables that need to be quickly accessed or updated. The only required fields are: t::Float64: hold the current time value order: order of accuracy of the discretization (same as AbstractMesh.order)


ODLCommonTools defines:

abstract AbstractMesh{Tmsh}.

The purpose of an AbstractMesh is to hold all the mesh related data that the solver will need. It also serves to establish an interface between the solver and whatever mesh software is used. By storing all data in the fields of the AbstractMesh object, the details of how the mesh software stores and allows retrieval of data are not needed by the solver. This should make it easy to accommodate different mesh software without making any changes to the solver.

The static parameter Tmsh is used to enable differentiation with respect to the mesh variable in the future.

Required Fields

  # counts

  # parallel counts
  peer_face_counts::Array{Int, 1}
  local_element_counts::Array{Int, 1}
  remote_element_counts::array{Int, 1}

  # MPI Info
  peer_parts::Array{Int, 1}

  # Send/Receive Infrastructure
  send_waited::Array{Bool, 1}
  send_reqs::Array{MPI.Request, 1}
  send_stats::Array{MPI.Status, 1}
  recv_waited::Array{Bool, 1}
  recv_reqs::Array{MPI.Request, 1}
  recv_stats::Array{MPI.Status, 1}

  # Discretization type

  # mesh data
  coords::AbstractArray{Tmsh, 3}
  dxidx::AbstractArray{Tmsh, 4}
  jac::AbstractArray{Tmsh, 2}

  # interpolated data
  coords_bndry::Array{Tmsh, 3}
  dxidx_bndry::Array{Tmsh, 4}
  jac_bndry::Array{T1, 2}
  dxidx_face::Array{Tmsh, 4}
  jac_face::Array{Tmsh, 2}

  # parallel data
  coords_sharedface::Array{Array{Tmsh, 3}, 1}
  dxidx_sharedface::Array{Array{Tmsh, 4}, 1}
  jac_sharedface::Array{Array{Tmsh, 2}, 1}  

  # boundary condition data
  bndryfaces::AbstractArray{Boundary, 1}
  bndry_offsets::AbstractArray{Integer, 1}
  bndry_funcs::AbstractArray{BCType, 1}

  # interior edge data
  interfaces::AbstractArray{Interface, 1}

  # degree of freedom number data
  dofs::AbstractArray{Integer, 2}
  sparsity_bnds::AbstractArray{Integer, 2}
  sparsity_nodebnds::AbstractArray{Integer, 2}

  # mesh coloring data
  color_masks::AbstractArray{ AbstractArray{Number, 1}, 1}
  shared_element_colormasks::Array{Array{BitArray{1}, 1}, 1}
  pertNeighborEls::AbstractArray{Integer, 2}

  # parallel bookkeeping
  bndries_local::Array{Array{Boundary, 1}, 1}
  bndries_remote::Array{Array{Boundary, 1}, 1}
  shared_interfaces::Array{Array{Interface, 1}, 1}
  shared_element_offsets::Array{Int, 1}
  local_element_lists::Array{Array{Int, 1}, 1}


numVert: number of vertices in the mesh

numEl: number of elements in the mesh

numNodes: number of nodes in the mesh

numDof: number of degrees of freedom in the mesh (= numNodes * numDofPerNode)

numDofPerNode: number of degrees of freedom on each node.

numNodesPerElement: number of nodes on each element.

order: order of the discretization (ie. first order, second order...), where an order p discretization should have a convergence rate of p+1.

numNodesPerFace: number of nodes on an edge in 2D or face in 3D. For interpolated meshes it is the number of interpolation points on the face

Parallel Counts

npeers: number of processes that have elements that share a face with the current process

numGlobalEl: number of locally owned elements + number of non-local elements that share a face with a locally owned element

numSharedEl: number of non-local elements that share a face with a locally owned element local_element_counts: array of length npeers, number of local elements that share a face with each remote process

remote_element_counts: array of length npeers, number of remote elements that share a face with with current process

MPI Info

comm: the MPI Communicator the mesh is defined on myrank: rank of current MPI process (0-based) commsize: number of MPI processes on this communicator peer_parts: array of MPI proccess ranks for each process that has elements that share a face with the current process

Send/Receive Infrastructure

send_waited: array of bools (length npeers) that indicate if MPI_Wait has already been called on on each MPI send Request send_reqs: array of MPI Requests for send operations send_stats: array of MPI Status objects for send operations recv_waited: same purpose as send_waited, for receives recv_reqs: same purpose as send_reqs, for receives recv_stats: same purpose as recv_stats, for receives

Note that some MPI implementations do not allow calling MPI_Wait on a Request more than once. The send_waited and receive_waited arrays provide a way to guard against this.

Discretization Type

isDG: true if mesh is a DG type discretization isInterpolated: true if mesh requires data to be interpolated to the faces of an element

Mesh Data

coords: n x numNodesPerElement x numEl array, where n is the dimensionality of the equation being solved (2D or 3D typically). coords[:, nodenum, elnum] = [x, y, z] coordinates of node nodenum of element elnum.

dxidx: n x n x numNodesPerElement x numEl, where n is defined above. It stores the mapping jacobian scaled by ( 1/det(jac) dxi/dx ) where xi are the parametric coordinates, x are the physical (x,y,z) coordinates, and jac is the determinant of the mapping jacobian dxi/ dx.

jac : numNodesPerElement x numEl array, holding the determinant of the mapping jacobian dxi/dx at each node of each element.

Interpolated Data

This data is used for interpolated mesh only.

coords_bndry: coordinates of nodes on the boundary of the mesh, 2 x numFaceNodes x numBoundaryEdges

dxidx_bndry: 2 x 2 x numFaceNodes x numBoundary edges array ofdxidx` interpolated to the boundary of the mesh

jac_bndry: numFaceNodes x numBoundaryEdges array of jac interpolated to the boundary

dxidx_face: 2 x 2 x numFaceNodes x numInterfaces array of dxidx interpolated to the face shared between two elements

jac_face: numNodesPerFace x numInterfaces array of jac interpolated to the face shared between two element

Parallel Data

This data is required for parallelizing interpolated DG meshes

coords_sharedface: array of arrays, one array for each peer process, containing the coordinates of the nodes on the faces shared between a local element on a non-local element. Each array is 2 x numFaceNodes x number of faces shared with this process. dxidx_sharedface: similar to coords_sharedface, dxidx interpolated to faces between elements in different processes, each array is 2 x 2 x numFaceNodes x number of faces shared with this process. jac_sharedface: similar to coords_sharedface, jac interpolated to faces between a local element and a non-local element. Each array is numFaceNodes x number of faces shared with this process.

Boundary Condition Data

The mesh object stores data related to applying boundary conditions. Boundary conditions are imposed weakly, so there is no need to remove degrees of freedom from the mesh when Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied. In order to accommodate any combination of boundary conditions, an array of functors are stored as part of the mesh object, along with lists of which mesh edges (or faces in 3D) should have which boundary condition applied to them

numBC: number of different types of boundary conditions used.

numBoundaryEdges: number of mesh edges that have boundary conditions applied to them.

bndryfaces: array of Boundary objects (which contain the element number and the local index of the edge), of length numBoundaryEdges.

bndry_offsets: array of length numBC+1, where bndry_offsets[i] is the index in bndryfaces where the edges that have boundary condition i applied to them start. The final entry in bndry_offsets should be numBoundaryEdges + 1. Thus bndryfaces[ bndry_offsets[i]:(bndry_offsets[i+1] - 1) ] contains all the boundary edges that have boundary condition i applied to them.

bndry_funcs: array of boundary functors, length numBC. All boundary functors are subtypes of BCType. Because BCType is an abstract type, the elements of this array should not be used directly, but passed as an argument to another function, to avoid type instability.

Interior Edge Data

Data about interior mesh edges (or faces in 3D) is stored to enable use of edge stabilization or Discontinuous Galerkin type discretizations. Only data for edges (faces) that are shared by two elements are stored (ie. boundary edges are not considered).

numInterfaces: number of interior edges

interfaces: array of Interface types (which contain the element numbers for the two elements sharing the edge, and the local index of the edge from the perspective of the two elements, and an indication of the relative edge orientation). The two element are referred to as elementL and elementR, but the choice of which element is elementL and which is elementR is arbitrary. The length of the array is numInterfaces. Unlike bndryfaces, the entries in the array do not have to be in any particular order.

Degree of Freedom Numbering Data

dofs: numDofPerNode x numNodesPerElement x numEl array. Holds the local degree of freedom number of each degree of freedom. Although the exact method used to assign dof numbers is not critical, all degrees of freedom on a node must be numbered sequentially.

dof_offset: offset added to the local dof number to make it a global dof number.

sparsity_bnds: 2 x numDof array. sparsity_bnds[:, i] holds the maximum, minimum degree of freedom numbers associated with degree of freedom i. In this context, degrees of freedom i and j are associated if entry (i,j) of the jacobian is non-zero. In actuality, sparsity_bnds need only define upper and lower bounds for degree of freedom associations (ie. they need not be tight bounds). This array is used to to define the sparsity pattern of the jacobian matrix.

sparsity_nodebnds: 2 x numNodes array. sparsity_bnds[:, i] holds the maximum, minimum node associated with node i, similar the information stored in sparsity_bnds for degrees of freedom.

Mesh Coloring Data

The NonlinearSolvers module uses algorithmic differentiation to compute the Jacobian. Doing so efficiently requires perturbing multiple degrees of freedom simultaneously, but perturbing associated degrees of freedom at the same time leads to incorrect results. Mesh coloring assigns each element of the mesh to a group (color) such that every degree of freedom on each element is not associated with any other degree of freedom on any other element of the same color. An important aspect of satisfying this condition is the use of the element-based arrays (all arrays that store data for a quantity over the entire mesh are ncomp x numNodesPerElement x numEl). In such an array, any node that is part of 2 or more elements has one entry for each element. When performing algorithmic differentiation, this enables perturbing a degree of freedom on one element without perturbing it on the other elements that share the degree of freedom.

For example, consider a node that is shared by two elements. Let us say it is node 2 of element 1 and node 3 of element 2. This means AbstractSolutionData.q[:, 2, 1] stores the solution variables for this node on the first element, and AbstractSolutionData.q[:, 3, 2] stores the solution variables for the second element. Because these are different entries in the array AbstractSolutionData.q, they can be perturbed independently. Because AbstractSolutionData.res has the same format, the perturbations to AbstractSolutionData.q[:, 2, 1] are mapped toAbstractSolutionData.res[:, 2, 1]` for a typical continuous Galerkin type discretization. This is a direct result of having an element-based discretization.

There are some discretizations, however, that are not strictly element-based. Edge stabilization, for example, causes all the degrees of freedom of one element to be associated with any elements it shares an edge with. To deal with this, we use the idea of a distance-n coloring. A distance-n coloring is a coloring where there are n elements in between two element of the same color. For element-based discretizations with element-based arrays, every element in the mesh can be the same color. This is a distance-0 coloring. For an edge stabilization discretization, a distance-1 coloring is required, where every element is a different color than any neighbors it shares and edge with. (As a side node, the algorithms that perform a distance-1 coloring are rather complicated, so in practice we use a distance-2 coloring instead).

In order to do algorithmic differentiation, the AbstractMesh object must store the information that determines which elements are perturbed for which colors, and, for the edge stabilization case, how to relate a perturbation in the output AbstractSolutionData.res to the degree of freedom in AbstractSolutionData.q in O(1) time. Each degree of freedom on an element is perturbed independently of the other degrees of freedom on the element, so the total number of residual evaluations is the number of colors times the number of degrees of freedom on an element.

The fields required are:

numColors: The number of colors in the mesh. maxColors: the maximum number of colors on any process

color_masks: array of length numColors. Each entry in the array is itself an array of length numEl. Each entry of the inner array is either a 1 or a 0, indicating if the current element is perturbed or not for the current color. For example, in color_mask_i = color_masks[i]; mask_elj = color_mask_i[j], the variable mask_elj is either a 1 or a zero, determining whether or not element j is perturbed as part of color i.

shared_element_colormasks: array of BitArrays controlling when to perturb non-local elements. There are npeers arrays, each of length number of non-local elements shared with this process

pertNeighborEls: numEl x numColors array. neighbor_nums[i,j] is the element number of of the element whose perturbation is affected element i when color j is being perturbed, or zero if element i is not affected by any perturbation.

Parallel Bookkeeping

bndries_local: array of arrays of Boundarys describing faces shared with non-local elements from the local side (ie. the local element number and face). The number of arrays is npeers.

bndries_remote: similar to bndries_local, except describing the faces from the non-local side. Note that the element numbers are from the remote process

shared_interfaces: array of arrays of Interfaces describing the faces shared between local and non-local elements. The local element is always elementL. The remote element is assigned a local number greater than numEl.

shared_element_offsets: array of length npeers+1 that contains the first element number assigned to elements on the shared interface. The last entry is equal to the highest element number on the last peer process + 1. The elements numbers assigned to a given peer must form a contiguous range.

local_element_lists: array of arrays containing the element numbers of the elements that share a face with each peer process

Other Functions

The mesh module must also define and export the functions

saveSolutionToMesh(mesh::MeshImplementationType, vec::AbstractVector)
writeVisFiles(mesh::MeshImplementationType, fname::ASCIIString)

where the first function takes a vector of length numDof and saves it to the mesh, and the second writes Paraview files for the mesh, including the solution field.

Physics Module

For every new physics to be solved, a new module should be created. The purpose of this module is to evaluate the equation:

dq/dt = f(q)

For steady problems, dq/dt = 0 and the module evaluates the residual. For unsteady problems, the form dq/dt = f(q) is suitable for explicit time marching.

AbstractSolutionData Implementation

Each physics module should define and export a subtype of AbstractSolutionData{Tsol}. The implementation of AbstractSolutionData{Tsol} must inherit the Tsol static parameter, and may have additional static parameters as well. It may also be helpful to define additional abstract types within the physics module to provide different levels of abstractions. For example, the Euler physics module defines:

abstract AbstractEulerData{Tsol} <: AbstractSolutionData{Tsol}
abstract EulerData {Tsol, Tdim, Tres, var_type} <: AbstractEulerData{Tsol}
type EulerData_{Tsol, Tres, Tdim, Tmsh, var_type} <: EulerData{Tsol, Tdim, Tres, var_type}

The first line is effectively just a name change and may not be necessary. The second line adds the static parameters Tdim, Tres, and var_type while inheriting the Tsol type from AbstractEulerData. Tdim is the dimensionality of the equation, Tres is the datatype of the residual variables, and var_type is a symbol indicating whether the equation is being solved with conservative or entropy variables. The third line defines a concrete type that implements all the features required of an AbstractSolutionData, and adds a static parameter Tmsh, the datatype of the mesh variables.
The additional static parameter is necessary because one field of EulerData_ has type Tmsh. Note that there could be multiple implementations of AbstractSolutionData for the Euler equations, perhaps with different fields to store certain data or not. All these implementations will need to have the static parameters Tsol, Tdim, Tres, and var_type, so EulerData is defined as an abstract type, allowing all implementations to inherit from it. All high level functions involved in evaluating the residual will take in an argument of type EulerData. Only when low level functions need to dispatch based on which implementation is used would it take in an EulerData_ or another implementation.

Residual Evaluation

In addition to the AbstractSolutionData implementation, each physics module must define and export a function with the signature

function_name(mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp::AbstractSBP, eqn::EulerData, opts)

where EulerData should be replaced with an appropriate type name for the physics module implementation of AbstractSolutionData. This function should use the eqn.q array to populate eqn.res with dq/dt = f(q). This must be done in such a way that algorithmic differentiation will work as described above. The physics module should never use q_vec or res_vec.


The physics module should also define and export an initialization function with the signature:

init(mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp::AbstractSBP, eqn::EulerData, opts, pmesh=mesh)

that performs all initialization required by the module. It must also do any initialization for the objects that could not be done during their construction. Currently, this only includes populating the bndry_funcs field of the mesh object. This cannot be done when the mesh is constructed because the mesh object should be independent of the physics. When using iterative solvers, there might be a second mesh object used for residual evaluations relating to the preconditioner. This mesh is called pmesh and should be initialized in the same way as the regular mesh object.

This function is called before the first residual evaluation, just after the mesh, sbp, and eqn objects are constructed.

Initial Condition

The physics module must export a dictionary called ICDict that maps strings to the functions that apply the initial condition to the entire mesh. These functions must have the signature:

fname(mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp::AbstractSBP, eqn::EulerData, opts, u0::AbstractVector)

where u0 is a vector of length numDof that is populated with the initial condition.


The physics module must have the majorIterationCallback function described in the AbstractSolutionData section. This function need not be exported

A minor iteration callback function is being considered.

Variable Conversion

Every physics module should define and export a function

function convertFromNaturalToWorkingVars{Tsol}(params::ParamType{2, :var_type}, qc::AbstractArray{Tsol,1}, qe::AbstractArray{Tsol,1})

that converts from the "natural" variables in which to write an equation to some other set of variables at a node. For the Euler equations, the "natural" variables would be the conservative variables, and one example of "other" variables would be the entropy variables.


The NonlinearSolvers module does not define any abstract types, but it does place some requirements on the other components of PDESolver. NonlinearSolvers has two main components: a 4th order Runge-Kutta (RK4) explicit time marching method and a Newton's method. The RK4 method can do either pseudo-time stepping for steady problems or real time stepping for unsteady problems. Newton's method can solve steady nonlinear problems.

The RK4 function has the signature:

rk4(f::Function, h::FloatingPoint, t_max::FloatingPoint, mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp, eqn::AbstractSolutionData, opts; kwargs...)

where f is the residual evaluation function described above. For RK4, the static parameters should be Tsol=Tres=Tmsh=Float64 because RK4 does not do any kind of algorithmic differentiation.

The Newton's method function has the signature:

newton(func::Function, mesh::AbstractMesh, sbp, eqn::AbstractSolutionData, opts, pmesh=mesh; kwargs...)

where pmesh is the preconditioning mesh object, used for constructing the preconditioner for an iterative solver. The values of the static parameters for the mesh and eqn objects depend on the method used for calculating the jacobian dR/dq where R is the residual. If finite differences are used, then Tsol=Tres=Tmsh=Float64 is required. If the complex step method is used, then Tsol=Tres=Complex128 and Tmsh=Float64 is required. The startup.jl script that drives the simulation run should determine these values automatically based on the options dictionary opts.

Input Options

Many of the components of PDESolver have different options that control how they work and what they do. In order to provide a unified method of specifying these options, an dictionary of type Dict{Any, Any} is read in from a disk file. This dictionary (called opts in function signatures), is passed to all high and mid level function so they can use values in the dictionary to determine their control flow. Low level functions need to be extremely efficient, so they cannot have conditional logic, therefore they are not passed the dictionary. Note that retrieving values from a dictionary is very slow compared to accessing the fields of a type, so all values that are accessed repeatedly should be stored as the field of a type.

Initialization of a Simulation

Now that all the individual pieces have been described, here is how a simulation is launched.

After step 4, the procedure becomes a bit more complicated because there are optional steps. Only the required steps are listed below.

1, The options dictionary is read in. Default values are supplied for any key that is not specified, if a reasonable default value exists.

  1. Second, the sbp operator is constructed.

  2. The mesh object is constructed, using the options dictionary and the sbp operator. Some of the options in the dictionary are used to determine how the mesh gets constructed. For example, the options dictionary specifies what kind of mesh coloring to do.

  3. The eqn object is constructed, using the mesh, sbp, and opts objects.

  4. The physics module init function is called, which initializes the physics module and finishes any initialization that mesh and eqn objects require.

  5. The initial condition is applied to eqn.q_vec.

  6. A nonlinear solver is called. Which solver is called and what parameters it uses are determined by the options dictionary.

  7. Post-processing is done, if required by the options dictionary.

Functional Programming

An important aspect of the use of the mesh, sbp, eqn, and opts to define interfaces is that the physics modules and nonlinear solvers are written in a purely function programming style, which is to say that the behavior of every function is determined entirely by the arguments to the function, and the only effects of the function are to modify an argument or return a value.

This property is important for writing generic, reusable code. For example, when using iterative solvers, a preconditioner is usually required, and constructing the preconditioner requires doing residual evaluations. In some cases, the preconditioner will use a different mesh or a different mesh coloring. Because the physics modules are written in a functional style, they can be used to evaluate the residual on a different mesh simply by passing the residual evaluation function a different mesh object.

A critical aspect of function programming is that there is no global state. The state of the solver is determined entirely by the state of the objects that are passed around.

Variable Naming Conventions

In an attempt to make code more uniform and readable, certain variable names are reserved for certain uses.

  • mesh: object that implements AbstractMesh
  • pmesh: mesh used for preconditioning
  • sbp: Summation-by-Parts object
  • eqn: object that implements AbstractSolutionData
  • opts: options dictionary
  • params: parameter object (used for values that might be in opts but need to be accessed quickly)
  • x: the first real coordinate direction
  • y: the second real coordinate direction
  • xi: the first parametric coordinate direction
  • eta: the second parametric coordinate direction
  • h: mesh spacing
  • hx: mesh spacing in x direction
  • hy: mesh spacing in y direction
  • p: pressure at a node
  • a; speed of sound at a node
  • s: entropy at a node
  • gamma: specific heat ratio
  • gamma_1: gamma - 1
  • R: specific gas constant in ideal gas law (units J/(Kg * K) in SI)
  • delta_t: time step
  • t: current time
  • nrm: a normal vector of some kind
  • A0: the coefficient matrix of the time term at a node
  • Axi: the flux jacobian at a node in the xi direction
  • Aeta: the flux jacobian at a node in the eta direction
  • Ax: the flux jacobian in the x direction at a node
  • Ay: the flux jacobian in the y direction at a node